Live Painting

ROLE: Conceptual Development, Animation, Filming, Editing, and Projection

This is a projection piece for my motion design projection class! The specifics for this assignment were based on ‘live painting’; in this instance, I wanted to create the illusion of koi fish swimming in a body of water.

Audio: "Hello" by C4C x kokoro



For this projection assignment, I knew right away that I wanted to do something regarding koi fish. Unlike most kids, I never really had goldfish as pets; instead, my family had a large pond filled with koi fish!

When location hunting, I was originally looking for a more organic place with either natural plants and/or live fish to give the projection more depth and movement. I visited both Forsyth Park and Foxy Loxi Cafe in Savannah, GA but ultimately decided to use my stainless steel sink.

Behind the Scenes

The process behind this shoot was a tad overwhelming, since I did not have any help. I had to film, hold the projector, and operate MadMapper all at once. Unfortunately, this resulted in some issues with the lighting and video stabilization. However, with a bit of help from After Effects and Premiere, I was able to eliminate most of the shakiness and adjust the lighting to look more natural.


As Time Goes On


Marble Soda